Financial Management
The Financial module includes general ledger, budgeting and accounts payable functionality. Powerful user defined integration tables allow for the inventory, sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, grower contract, vineyard and bottling transactions to post easily to the general ledger.
General Ledger
​User defined chart of accounts
Unlimited companies
Account type grouping
Reporting groups
Budget to actual comparison
Real time or batch posting
Recurring journal entry
Vineyard cost integration to general ledger
Interface to Bottling module
Interface to Casegood Sales & Distribution module
Interface to Inventory module
User security for specified companies
User security for general ledger account access
24 months open to posting
End of year process for prior period adjustments
Integrity check for chart of accounts
Financial reports
Balance sheet
Income statement
Detailed & sub-ledger trial balance
Sub-ledger detailed reporting
​Monthly budgets.
Monthly or yearly notification of budget status in Accounts Payable and Purchasing modules.
Year to date and period to date reporting on budget versus actual cost expenditure.
If using Budgets, a feature exists to warn that the budget has been exceeded. This feature may be configured to function monthly, quarterly or annually.
Accounts Payable
Vendors and master vendor associations
Invoice entry
Purchase order invoice entry
Interface to purchasing to confirm product receipts during purchase order invoice entry
Credit/debit memos
Manual checks
Check printing
Check register
Check reconciliation
Vendor statements
Aged accounts payable
Distribution of vineyard costs